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HarbourVest Global Private Equity (LON:HVPE) is a constituent of the FTSE 250 and exists to provide easy access to a diversified global portfolio of high-quality private companies by investing in HarbourVest-managed funds. Its focus is on building a comprehensive global portfolio of the highest quality investments, in a proactive yet measured way, underpinned by a strong balance sheet. Diversification helps to spread risk, and is fundamental to its aim of creating a portfolio that no individual investor may find hard to replicate. The Investment Manager, HarbourVest Partners is an experienced and trusted global private markets asset manager.  HVPE aims to connect the everyday investor with a broad base of private markets experts. The result is a distinct single access point to HarbourVest Partners, and a prudently managed global private companies portfolio designed to navigate economic cycles as smoothly as possible whilst striving to deliver outperformance of the public markets over the long term.

Further information can be seen at


  • Ed Warner OBE (Chair & Ind. NED)
  • Francesca Barnes (Senior Ind. NED)
  • Steven Wilderspin (Ind. NED)
  • Elizabeth Burne (Ind. NED)
  • Anulika Ajufo (Ind. NED)


Summary of NAV31 Jan 2024
31 Jan 2023
Net Asset Value3,9203,838
NAV Per Share$50.47$48.52
Balance Sheet31 Jan 2024
31 Jan 2023
Cash & Equivalents140,156197,523
Total Assets4,203,0913,839,505
NAV PerformanceJan 2025Dec 2024Nov 2024Oct 2024Sep 2024Aug 2024July 2024June 2024
Monthly NAV Estimate (US $~m)39233916397839443980397039233914
Monthly estimated NAV per share (US $)52.8252.3852.8752.2352.4852.2651.4651.22
Shares in issue(~m)74.374.875.275.575.87676.276.4


Major Shareholders

  • Evelyn Partners – 4.9%
  • Schroder (Cazenove) – 4.3%
  • Hargreaves Lansdown – 3.86%
  • Quilter Cheviot – 3.85%
  • Investec Wealth – 3.83%
  • Interactive Investor – 3.44%
  • M & G – 3.25%
  • Asset Value Investors – 3.12%
  • BlackRock Advisors (UK) – 2.7%
  • Macquarie – 2.46%
  • AJ Bell – 2.06%

Media & Analyst Coverage

Kepler Trust Intelligence (Oct 2024): Now could be an interesting moment to consider HVPE…

“HVPE offers a differentiated and highly diverse exposure to private market investments. In our view, the portfolio has been put together in an intelligent way, which minimises risks for investors but offers the potential to capture high returns. The performance trajectory over the long term has been impressive, with NAV and share price significantly outperforming world equities (see Performance section). …HVPE’s manager notes that there are currently early signs that activity may be beginning to step up once again, which would be positive for NAV growth and the discount to NAV, is at historically wide levels.”

Citywire (Feb 2024): IC Top 50 Funds 2023: HarbourVest promises dividends, buybacks and independent board

HarbourVest Global Private Equity (HVPE) hopes to finally narrow its wide share price discount after it announced plans to return more capital to shareholders and move to a fully independent board.

In response to shareholder feedback, including from wealth manager Quilter Cheviot, which began red-carding weak boards last September, the global private equity investor will establish a ‘distribution pool’ funded by profits on disposals that will be used for share buybacks and special dividends.

The board and manager have agreed that 15% of cash realisations will go to the pool, which launches immediately, helped by a decision to place on hold a ‘specific’ investment commitment that releases a ‘material cash sum’.

Macro Indicators

FT: Risks but potential rewards remain in private company investing (Sep 2023)

“Over the past few years, I’ve written about why private investors might want to invest in private assets and especially equity, usually through a listed investment trust. At its very simplest, there are more high-growth businesses that are choosing to avoid the public markets and opting to stay private for longer, aided by private equity funds.

So, if as an investor you want some exposure to these higher-growth private businesses, you are forced to consider the broad spectrum of funds ranging from early stage venture capital through to buyout funds for mature companies.”

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