Atlantic Lithium: Upgraded Mineral Resources at Ewoyaa Lithium proect

30th January 2025 | Atlantic Lithium

Atlantic Lithium has released an updated JORC compliant Mineral Resource Estimate of 36.8Mt at 41.9% feldsparĀ  at theEwoyaa Lithium Project in Ghana

CEO Keith Muller said:

“We are pleased to report an increased Feldspar Mineral Resource Estimate of 36.8Mt at 41.9% Feldspar in respect of the Company’s Ewoyaa Lithium Project.

“The increased Feldspar MRE incorporates all of the spodumene pegmatites drilled at Ewoyaa and, therefore, considers the mine plan for the Project over its entire 12-year mine life. The increased resource gives us further confidence in Ewoyaa’s potential as a major source of feldspar in Ghana, which will be produced as a by-product of spodumene concentrate production from the Project.

“Atlantic Lithium intends to supply the feldspar to the local Ghanaian ceramics market to support the growth of businesses associated with the industry and the wider local economy.

“As such, the Feldspar MRE enables the Company to incorporate life of mine production of feldspar in future revisions of the Ewoyaa feasibility studies, as well as in its considerations to bring the feldspar to market.”

We caught up with Chairman Neil Herbert. He provided an update on Atlantic’s operations, outlining the key recent milestones reached and what we should look out for in the next twelve months

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